God Fist Lee Sin Skin Spotlight – Pre-Release – League of Legends

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This is a teaser spotlight of God Fist Lee Sin with ingame gameplay!

Skin name is CONFIRMED as God Fist Lee Sin, particles & SFX may not be final.
Check out the other skins in this cycle.

Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth.

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  1. Lee Sin Mains Having Orgasm

  2. Support mains be waiting like …

  3. I don’t know why people keep saying that they wish this was a rework, or thought this was a rework. By the trailer, it showed his blindfold bursting off his face, and him opening his eyes. This could not be anything but a skin. He’s Lee Sin, the Blind Monk. Being blind is his thing.

  4. I think only Diamond or higher players could buy this skin, imagine bronze players using this skin, rediculous

  5. swz2744122614 加拿大代购V:

    When Draven out the new skin???you guys forget him?

  6. Splash art: 10/10, really cool art, love it.
    Voice: 8/10, a bit annoying and obnoxious, but still fine.
    Skin: 7/10, just has bright particles, too much light.
    Better version of Udyr Tiger form run.
    I do not like his walk, but it is my personal opinion.
    Good joke and taunt.
    Jean Claude Van Damme dance, that really nice.
    Laugh, it is fine, but O.o.
    Recall looks great. This is just what i needed 😀
    Q and W looks good.
    E, really like the idea. That why, I love Riot sometimes.
    R, rip HIKU. Not a kick anymore, but it is God Fist Lee Sin. Like Knockout Lee Sin, based on fists. It was predictable.
    Fun part. When you go 7 0 with this skin and heard “Godlike” 😀
    I will buy it anyway, because this is my favorite champion. I respect and appreciate all the work done by the developers.
    Thanks Riot 🙂

  7. New skin: Lee Sees

  8. JCVD dance spoted

  9. 2:47 Worst Lee Sin insec ever!

  10. God hand on PS2!! Anyone?

  11. Riots tactic:
    Buff champion
    Make Legendary Skin
    Nerf the shit out of that champion

  12. how did u do that ?? i am in practice tool and i can’t spawn an enemy or an allied like a champion

  13. Rito pls.
    Why another lee skin?
    Get a life rlly.

  14. Михаил Алексеев

    jan clod vandam ?)

  15. Spooky Scary Nocturne

    That Q is a bit harder to see… it’s almost the same as Headhunter Nidalee’s spears.

  16. Lee can have eyes, but Graves cant have a cigar?

  17. Looks like 975 skin

  18. Forever Alone Island

    first thing i thought of with this skin was iron fist

  19. Everything ok, but the ult should be a powerful Kick, i think :V

  20. No way this skin is worth 1820.. gtfo.. 1350 at most

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