Girl Rugby Dash – I Don’t Think This Is What Rugby Is (DTV)

Another Steam Direct triumph of laziness. Girl Rugby Dash isn’t even rugby. It’s closer to American football, but even that’s a stretch… as stretchy as the appendages of these poor girls!


  1. Captain Poopy Pants

    Bet it has less micro transactions than Madden.

  2. So glad Jim has brought back direct to video ?

  3. Jim,

    The first uncensored pornographic game makes it onto Steam and you don’t have anything to say about it?


  4. Not my proudest fap….

  5. It’s like watching that one bit from Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life. You know the scene. 😉

  6. As a rubgy fan i see no reason to dislike this. As a flat earther I find this curvature a travesty.

  7. alternativebassist

    I am particularly upset that this is currently the only rugby game on steam

  8. I’d prolly only play this if it had an active community of modders busy patching in high-res butthole textures.

  9. Meltman!
    With the power to…melt.

  10. I hate that this game actually looks fun

  11. This game is definite proof that Earth is a sphere… and has a diameter of about 500 meters.

  12. Is it Captain Tsubasa’s “sexy” version of Rugby ?
    Because it looks like those fields are infinite !

  13. Still better than Madden.

  14. the posts are wrong, the gear is wrong, the ball is wrong…. this whole game is wrong!

  15. This game actually looks like it has potential to be like a comical goofy ragdoll physics game

  16. Still a better love story than Twilight.

  17. _I don’t think those are standard rugby uniforms_

  18. The controls are W to dash, A and D to move left and right, and Space to hit the girl ahead of you? So, the game can be played one-handed then?


  19. The shop is just cosmetic.

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