FALLOUT 76 OH MAH GAWD HYPE!!! – Are We Getting An Online Survival Fallout Then?

Bethesda announced Fallout 76 to the nervous excitement of the world. We’re all wondering exactly *how* spin-offy it’ll be.

Latest Fallout 76 rumors: https://kotaku.com/sources-fallout-76-is-an-online-survival-rpg-1826425333


  1. Oskar Dirlewanger

    I’d let you put your dweller in my vault, Jim.

  2. didn’t Bethesda have a thing about how they’re dedicated to quality single player games?

  3. I was disappointed beyond words by this online crap. So much for #saveplayer1

  4. Me: Oh boy, a new Fallout! Oh, it’s multplayer only. Oh well, perhaps next time. Fallout 5 might be cool.

  5. Whatever happens, I doubt it’ll be as good as Fallout 75.

  6. These days, this kind of trailer make me nervous rather than excited…


  8. “Fallout Online Multiplayer”

    …I am sorry, I gagged a little when I heard that.

  9. Fallout Gear Survive?

  10. Wtf happened to rpgs?!?!?

  11. The All in one gamer

    the elder scrolls online and now fallout online

  12. The first Fallout game where people are more worried than hyped. Oh how things have changed.

  13. There's a starman waiting in the sky

    We went from Fallout 4 to Fallout 76. Wonder when Fallout 69 will get a remaster.

  14. Nice trailer for Fallout Shelter 2.

  15. Ok, I got a new leak. So 100 players drop down from a bomber plane and then start surviving, a radiaton circle around the map starts becoming smaller and then you need to be the last one standing.

  16. I’m getting tired of all the multiplayer stuff. We need more games similar to my love life. Single.

  17. Please. No more battle royales.

    Fallout: DayZ, whilst not my preferred next Fallout game, sounds a hell of a lot better than Fallout: Battle Royale

  18. Is it outside of the box because it is a loot box ?

  19. Wasn’t Bethesda the company that had a save the single player live-ad at last years E3?
    What the hell is this shit then?

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