Exile To Death – The Most Disgusting Eating Sound In Games (Direct To Video)

Quite why eating tuna sounds like crunching biscuits is anyone’s guess, but let’s focus on how grotesque the sound is!


  1. That main menu has way too much useless information on it holy christ

  2. Oskar Dirlewanger

    I’d make a more disgusting sound if you wanted me to eat you, Jim…

  3. Hey Jim, can you be my Chill Dad?

  4. Players online: 1.. looks good for an MMO

  5. 5fps to death

  6. There's a starman waiting in the sky

    GOTY contender right here. Jog on God Of War, this game will get all of the awards.

  7. Looks promising

  8. thelaughingrouge

    Fun fact: Gobots did in fact come first. Also, I too had that rocklord. He turned into a big flat square… yeah, not all 80’s toys were gold.

  9. “Find Math” and so my quest to find the worlds greatest mathematician and learn all I can from him began with but 2 simple words.

  10. Unidentified Heavy Gunner

    Go Bots? More like No Bots

  11. I can feel Review Brah judging this noise almost subconsciously

  12. I tried looking for a game on steam today. I found something tagged with psychological horror, world war II, dating sim, nudity, sexual content, post-apocalyptic, family friendly and anime. It was Disney’s Chicken Little. Steam is a cool btw

  13. Demonatized for dirty willy reveal.

  14. cheezemonkeyeater

    When you start a game and immediately feel compelled to start talking about a toy line that never went anywhere, it does not say good things about the game.

  15. cheezemonkeyeater

    Wait, what homophobic advertisements were those? I normally wouldn’t ask, but that sounds like a way more interesting story than this game.

  16. Wait why are there Ads on Jim’s videos now? Hey YouTube stop being a bundle of sticks
    Edit: so after getting to the 5 min mark Jim calls it perfectly and there was indeed a homophobic ad

  17. Aaron W. Nichols

    The titular eating sound is at 9:50, if anyone’s curious… or need a heads up for gross munching

  18. Press F to exile to death.

  19. TheRealColBosch

    So…this is a game I can buy on Steam? This is acceptable to Valve, huh?

  20. Press F to pay light to biscuit

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