EA And Battlefront II Really Fucked This Up (The Jimquisition)

Star Wars Battlefront II was a bit of a misstep, huh?

EA is licking its wounds after the massive loot box backlash, but there’s little time to heal.

They got too greedy to fast, and now legislators are interested in games… and gambling.


  1. Jim has made so much money off battlefront 2 you can call him EA

  2. Back to the old music eh jimmy?

  3. Are you even surprised?

  4. Should be interesting to see what happens with Hawaii fighting this. If it spreads to the rest of the US, it’s gonna be a major problem. The ESRB and EA/all other major AAA companies have gotta be sh*tting their pants right now.

  5. I’d rather buy WinRar.

  6. Disappointed at the youth

    Giving GIANT props to YongYea as well! The guy does a great job of bringing fourth shitty industry bullshit and is dedicated as hell. Please check out his channel, it’s a great way to stick it to those shitty companies by supporting their opposition!

  7. Not. Enough. Popcorn.

  8. I love how you say AAA with distain. You do so well portraying their arrogance!

  9. TrackpadProductions

    And once again, Jim Sterling was right, and the internet tries to pretend that he wasn’t.

  10. Belgium hasn’t finished it’s investigations yet. They DIDN’T say that lootboxes are gambling, not yet at least.

  11. The worst is yet to come. EA has opened Pandora’s Lootbox (tee-hee). They have brought the attention of European governments to the gaming industry. The most extreme government intervention we generally see is Germany censoring violence/Nazis in games, eastern countries getting their knickers in a twist over gay alien sex and the frankly inconsequential ESRB. Now governments will look at games more closely, checking for this gambling bullshit that EA is pushing. I sincerely doubt it will stop there. They will look at all facets of games and the industry and attempt to regulate it. This could lend more credence to the preachers that tell us that “games are evil”. So, in closing: Fuck EA and fuck Konami

  12. Thanks EA…Way to go! Thanks for your selfish and predatory antics to help bring EXPOSURE to this BS…

  13. everyone here losing their mind over microtransactions and ea and i’m like…

    net neutrality?

  14. We should honestly thank god EA pushed so hard on this game. Without it, the attention to gambling and loot boxes would never have been so exposed. EA and other companies would have easily step by step, become more predatory on gamers. Being ever so subtle, pinning gamer against gamer until we were slaves to the system. Very lucky this happened. We should pressure this situation hard, because after this gaming companies will sure be more secretive about their strategy to become super rich from set for life rich.

  15. The fact that some government’s are finally looking at this as gambling gives me hope.

  16. This may sound bad, but I’m happy Battlefront 2 has this major negative impact, we needed this for people outside the gaming industry just to see how bad loot boxes and all that bull crap has become… Thank fuck again Jimbo and thank fuck for EA’s cockups

  17. Seriously, lootboxes are perhaps one of the worst things to have happened to the industry in its entire existence.

    I can withstand DLC if it’s done right, such as Dark Souls or The Witcher 3. I can barely stomach Season Passes. But I am just *repelled* by this. Because, for AAA games, it’s not an excuse to get funds for a yet to be released game. It’s not because you need it to keep the servers running (as if console players didn’t pay enough for that with suscriptions, and even then DICE is infamous for having disastrous launches). It’s just a way to satisfy corporate greed in the most disgusting way possible: exploiting the more weak-willed people, or the richests snots around, into spending money for a slight *CHANCE* they might have more fun if they do so.

    I sincerely hope this whole bullshit collapses. That it forces to see the wrongs of their ways and try to make a change. But I know it won’t happen. They will just find something else to exploit.

  18. There's a starman waiting in the sky


  19. I hope Overwatch’s lootboxes disappear ASAP.

    Well, at least the paid ones.

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