Destiny 2 Review – Blinded By The Light

Bungie’s FPS MMO returns, and this time it’s actually good!


  1. Yesss, glad Jim mentioned the soundtrack, it really gives the campaign some much needed Oommph!!

  2. aaaa… how I miss this normal game review Jim

  3. Wait till the DLC is sixty dollars per expansion.

  4. Im sry but no matter how good the game is….i never gnna support company like activision

  5. Fuck me, does he LIKE IT?
    I’ve always liked Destiny, but I’ve always just expected every review to say it’s shit, and yet, he didn’t…

  6. The music was so very nostalgic and refreshing.

  7. This is the one where we defeat the Covenant again

  8. That gear/weapon UI is giving me “No Man’s Lie” PTSD…

  9. I like that exotics are easier to get, would love it if I could get something I would actually use or didn’t have.

  10. Sorry Jim but you can not say with any shred of credibility that Bungie has poured their heart and soul into this game with the vast amount of recycled assets. You didn’t even mention the downgrades, such as the infusion system and lack of private games. And judging from what you’ve said you didn’t play the first game much so I can’t expect any better now, can I? And whilst yes I agree it’s an improvement to Destiny but making the assertion that Bungie poured their heart and soul into Destiny 2? Absolutely not.

    And at one point, you talk about Bungie’s inability to make enemy types feel different from one-another aside from aesthetics. This again is untrue. Halo, a game you compared Destiny with, has immensely differing elements with their enemy types aside from appearance – regardless if they’re similar to Destiny’s own enemy types in regards to appearance too. A weird way you tried to make a point but oh well.

    In general this is a very bare-bones and mediocre review.

  11. do one for Quake Champions Early Access !

  12. If by humor you mean the cringey things the sassy robot guy says and does…

  13. It sounds like he’s just reading some corporate press release.
    Either Sterling has sold out or he’s lost his mind coz this game is shit. Not as shit as the 1st game, not by a long shot, but still shit. The ‘campaign’ is ridiculously bland and easy – in fact hard mode in destiny is like playing anything else on very easy mode – the story is just a series of pew pew pew events cobbled together.

    Multi player is just like D1…the rest is like Warframe; if you ignored the fact that Warframe is free and decided to spend $60 on D2 that is.
    If you are mental and like giving game makers all your money even though you’ve already given over $60 to play a game then you’ll love all the loot crates/microtransaction/pay to win/ shit in D2.

    In summary: D2 isn’t quite as dull as D1 but it’s going to cost you more money to play – no body mention War Frame coz for some reason a proportion of gamers like spending lots of money on something they can get elsewhere for free – the game will fart out chargeable content until D3 is released in 2019 and the whole cycle starts again.

    If you liked D1 despite all it’s faults you’ll like D2, if you brought D1 and bitched about how shit it was don’t buy D2, if you’re happy playing War Frame – congrates coz you’ve just saved yourself at least $60, if you hate sci fi FPS buy WRC7 instead..

    Everyone else…..supfo!

  14. But for me, it was tuesday.

  15. So basically it’s a full priced game with micro-transaction wich is very similar to Warframe where he main objective is to loot for better gear… I’ll stick with the lastest…

  16. I have nothing against the game or people who like it,i wont get it though because i don’t want to give Scumtivision any money.

  17. It’s not a MMO because it’s missing the “massive” part of “massively multiplayer online”.
    Destiny is a MO.

  18. This is the same asshole who shat on breath of the wild but praises this shit. You’re a joke Sterling.

  19. I’ll get the GOTY edition

  20. sexhaie or sexhale or sexhey or whatever

    I’m glad they stripped all glamour and pizazz of the original game and took away all the pretentiousness and now it feels like it’s own original thing.
    Did we really need fucking Peter dinklage when he obviously didn’t give a shit about reading his line?
    Did we really need to credit Paul McCarthy as the composer when all he did was write one song?
    Did we really need the ominous star wars story of “no time to explain we’ll do that later! Let’s just get to the action!”
    Nolan North is great as your ghost the original musicians for Halo are also fantastic, the music here is so much better and epic and emotional then the first game, and they learned to just pick an origin story and just go with it, and it’s great, I was so satisfied with the opening story finally telling us more about the Traveller and it’s significance in this universe.
    Thank you, Bungie for giving a shit.
    And fuck you, Activision, for cramping more lootboxes on us.

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