Darkwood Official Release Trailer

Available NOW on:
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/274520/
GOG: https://www.gog.com/game/darkwood
Humble Store: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/darkwood

Darkwood provides a new perspective on survival horror.

Scavenge and explore the rich, ever-changing free-roam world by day, then hunker down in your hideout and pray for the morning light.


  1. It’s absolutely awesome that you guys finally got the game released! Well worth the wait! One of the best horror games I have ever played with one of the best atmospheres of any game I’ve played, and I’m totally looking forward to any DLC and any sequels! Keep up the good work Acid Wizard!

  2. Wooooo! Being a Backer was the best thing i ever did, being a Wiki editor was the best thing i ever did! Congratulations!!!

  3. Is it wierd that I got a boner?

  4. its about god damned time. I opted in on this back when it released to greenlight.

  5. Saw the post on Reddit. I’m not a horror fan, but I hope PewDiePiw does a gaming series for this game. Looks fun. Good luck to you all.

  6. 16 bucks? Hell no

  7. Shit graphics, costs money, and Polish devs.

  8. I can hardly make out anything. I don’t want to have to sit 2 inches away from my monitor in order to see shit.

  9. Some feedback: Although I didn’t play the game, from the trailer I noticed that because of so much details on the floor some things are hard to see. For example I did not even notice the Wolf in the beginning nor the dead pig in the fields.

    Other than that the game looks great, especially because I’m interested in horror games for story, but can’t stand jumpscares, so I feel like this game is perfect for me! The atmosphere you made with shadows and sounds is amazing! It may seem like a small detail, but I love the part at 3:17 where the music sounds creepy, but after turning it off silence “sounds” much creepier.

  10. jesslovesrammstein

    Ugh, top-down view? Is the game supposed to be scary because I have to use a magnifying glass to see anything?

  11. Ugh, a topdown game…

  12. Soo.. This one’s supposed to be scary? Maybe the dialog with wolf, with ambient music and well drawn creature detail.. Otherwise it looks like kindergarten crap..

  13. For those who are complaining about graphics and being old school? Have you played undertail?

  14. Very well done guys. Great job!

  15. Sound design is so good holy shit

  16. So, how do I find this invitation in game or code to the metal door?

  17. I cannot stress how good of a game you guys have made. The best thing of all though is that you stuck through the years making the game and not leaving it like other devs would with their creations. Future developers should take inspiration from you guys. Thanks for it all.

  18. I thought this came out a while ago I remember playing it. Guess that was just a early version.

  19. Trailer? Do you not mean demo? This title seems very misleading. Might as well do a report, then.

  20. Its got full controller support, I’m going to give it a shot.

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