Crimson Snow


  1. Why don’t they just break the front door down in these games lol

  2. Looks like resident evil

  3. Lisalynn McAllister

    Well … If there’s twins of glitchy witchy ladies …. U can have twice the Christmas fun with a huge pot of soup … Markiplier

  4. you ex girlfriend come from OHIO

  5. Saying someone is a demon is just a convenient way to demonize them. It’s a tale as old as time… 1:24:00

  6. 16:16 Heh… Someone’s claustrophobic

  7. @markiplier When will we get some more Raft or Grounded?

  8. play god of war damit

  9. Mark can I get a copy of this game?

  10. “Mark”, a super common name
    Any character named “Mark” in a video game
    Markiplier: surprised Pikachu face

  11. Marie The Nurse Shark

    Gotta love the hit game Son Ow

  12. Crismon is popular name has challenge 10% of name games

  13. Was literally taking a sip at 34:43. Geez.

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