[COMING SOON] Petra | New Deathmatch Map | Overwatch

A group of archaeologists have begun an excavation and preservation project among the ruins of Petra, a new Deathmatch map that puts all heroes on their own, facing off against one another until one hero scores enough eliminations to win the match.

Take in Petra’s majestic views, from high vistas to twisting passageways and deep caverns. Travel along deadly cliffs, but be careful to not fall off! A dilapidated bridge stretches across the map, and the ground underneath it can crumble away to reveal a lethal pit. Hopping on a green jump pad will boost you up to Petra’s higher levels and unlock new strategic possibilities for you. . . .



  2. 1:12 Silver Pharah

  3. *while in the back of Route 66*

  4. Torbjorn getting abused by his daughter

  5. Junkrat was the best part of this trailer. It reminds me of the humor you’d find in TF2 shorts

  6. We doing world wonders now eh?

  7. This is not how DM looks xD Supposed to be at least 4 Hanzos, 2 Widows, and Tracer with Top 500 McCree.

  8. Anonymoose Youtuber

    Why is no one talking about how the map LITERALLY BROKE WHEN DOOMFIST ULTED! At 1:17 you can see a hole form and Winston falls into it

  9. 1:26 Blizzard you’re hilarious

  10. Yes… keep showcasing how weak Torbjorn is – we need to discourage Torbjorn players in competitive solo queue!

  11. If only we got large, actually fun, detailed, and realistic maps like this for the main team fights instead of things like Blizzard World..


  13. Joshua Mitchell

    Wait, how is he screaming when he got shot in the face?

  14. Finally, an interesting deathmatch map

  15. 1:16 These are some new groundbreaking map features!

  16. unplayable. does not comply with lore. no one plays winston in deathmatch

  17. Christian Stone

    Breakable floors?!?!?!?

  18. Showing Brigitte killing her own father for a trailer. Heartless, Blizzard, heartless.

  19. I’m getting some MASSIVE quake and doom 3 map vibes from back in the day.

  20. 1:02 Top 10 Anime Betrayals

    Also, why they got to do my boy Junkrat like that?

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