Champions in Season 2020 | Dev Video – League of Legends

Dive into 2020’s new champions and reworks with Reav3. Prepare to meet Sett, the newest juggernaut, and discover the secret behind his Calling Card. Then get reacquainted with Fiddlesticks and Volibear—and learn about two upcoming champions for next summer.

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  1. Fiddlestick rework: Ult is loud screamer which causes everyone have major heart attack in real life.

  2. “Masked jungler who refuses to die”

    Meanwhile Kindred is forgotten lmao

  3. @killmeh2 But its theme was void. I dont think Void is colorful and blossum.

  4. @UnderEztmated hashinshin?

  5. @eren cenan I watch him cause his rants are funny but I am riven main. Im just joking around

  6. @UnderEztmated hashinshin spits on your unholy riven face

  7. “some demons should remain in our past” yep, they are talking about old poppy

  8. 2:36 when you misspell shyvana’s name

  9. “Masked champion who refuses to die”
    Tryndamere with Liandry’s: …What?

  10. Man, I remember when I first started playing League so many years ago. Volibear was, I think, the second champ I bought. To think, he’s actually getting a rework after so long. I can’t wait to see what you guys came up with.

  11. so no one gonna talk about fiddle looking actually pretty lit?

    ok 🙁

  12. “followed by a masked champion who refuses to die.”
    Jhin : behind the mask is another mask

    • @Z Lucas Wolf is the passive, the W, and the E.

    • Kayn

    • @Z Lucas I fully agree, if Kindred is on the rework I’m 100% gonna vote for them, wolf should be a lot more than just skills. I honestly think it should be a form thing kinda like Kayn. If you play more aggressive and get a certain amount of kills and jungle objectives in a short period of time the focus switches mainly to Wolf(a jungle stalker who will chase his prey to the very end with either added movement speed like Warwick or a castable ult that slowly drags the champ towards you)(You may have had the privilege of life but I’m revoking it!”) but if you play more passive and supportive getting assists while getting your mark camps you play mainly as Lamb and become a supportive jungle(“Although death is certain, it is not your time yet.”)

    • @Angel Rain or maybe like Nidalee or especially Greymane from Heroes Of The Storm.

    • I think it the wolf should just attack and kindred be there but to balance it out let the wolf do half the damg while the lamb does half but an ability to where they do equal amount of damg but high cooldown

  13. 3:07 “bringing the legends to life that we’ve only heard tales about…”

    Helmet Bro: … my time has come

  14. Got an impression that this guy has a gun pointed at his head

  15. “Some demons should remain in our past”

    Old Aatrox : *sad Darkin noise*

    • Isuckatnamingmyself

      How about old Poppy? I still have nightmare about that @@

    • darkin arent demons they are corrupted shuriman ascended demons are the physical embodiment of magic that take thousands of years or longer to form

    • @frankies left toe
      Lmao, how new are you?
      Darkin before they killed Aatrox and replaced him with male Riven 2.0 were primordial demons that preyed on aspects of human nature.
      Aatrox was a demon of war, who would fight on the losing side of battle and inspire his temporary allies with his flawless, flowing expert swordsmanship. He would then turn on his allies and take the body of the strongest warrior as a new host. This is why he had his bloodwell passive, he used the carnage of battle to restore his body.

      They used to have their own original thematic as foils to the traditional aspects of Mount Targon, they preyed on the negative effects of all these abstract concepts made real.
      Riot then just decided to take that concept and make them ascended who got corrupted, even though they had a more interesting theme already. In my honest opinion they’re just creatively bankrupt.

    • @PrimalDirective well yes but you should go by current lore since its canon since demons are Evelyn and fiddlesticks now and ive been about for about 7 years

    • @Cruz Johnpaul kindred is the wolf and the lamb they are technically the samr being

  16. 2:44 Wait they dont even know how to spell Shyvana

  17. Bonzi James Mendez

    Riot: lets bring characters to life
    Beatrice the crow: so your saying is, theres a chance?

  18. Me: playing enchating support
    Riot: you could get a pass to get sett by taking first bloods
    Support mains: are we a joke to you?

  19. iRockstarFail Aphelios

  20. @MrLOLsteveLOL Only time i will ban him is if i am playing one of my tank champs. Just because i do not want my 5k HP being used against my team.

  21. Sorry, but this guy looks like he’s on drugs.

  22. “Switches between bruiser and assassin every five minutes”

    Kayn: Am I a joke to you?

  23. B l i n d

  24. can’t wait to dance party at rift herald

  25. Had a team of troglodytes who didnt ban set… sett jg, aphilios bot and senna sup. Wish we could’ve ff at 5 mins with boy feeding them

  26. its going to be the general AKA kat and cassiopia dad

  27. helmet bro: *running the other way*

  28. yasuo’s brother or the master of shen and zed perhaps

  29. @PalPlays thats what i meant

  30. its going to be the poro from braum’s reveal as a full fledged knight riding on top of another two poros

  31. @killmeh2 you are talking about sett or kayn?

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