Black Mesa: Xen Trailer

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of Half-Life, the long awaited final chapters of Black Mesa are shown in motion for the first time! Xen is targeted for release in Q2 2019.



  1. You’ve made my day… you’ve made everyone’s day. Looks amazing!

  2. *Mornin’ mister freeman looks like you’re running late.*

  3. Holy crap the graphics are insane! Is this really the Source engine?

  4. There’s always going to be that one snowflake who says “eh, the original Xen just had a better FEEL to it”.

  5. I must of watched this trailer 30-odd times by now, truly magnificent; the editing, the level geometry, the epic ‘Jungle Drums’ music rendition by Joel Nielsen. remember watching this mod when its concept was conceived in 2004 and the forums was on Leak-Free back in the day. 14 years later, it’s so wonderful to see the light at the end of this masterpiece tunnel.

  6. Damn. This was one of the most stunning trailers, I’ve ever seen.

  7. Gonarch and Nihilanth must be happy after this.

  8. Beyond unreal, looks better than most games these days. So much feels, back so many years ago I have been 11 years old when I finished the game and I remember when other friends could not even start the experiment to continue the game.

  9. Do you guys have any plans to add Xen styled maps to deathmatch mode?

  10. This music is pure art.

    I can’t remember the last time i replayed some trailer for the music so much.

  11. I had actually lost hope about this. This looks amazing.
    Really shows how Xen was explored by Black Mesa before and it looks so much more alive than the original.

    Let’s be honest, the original Xen level were pretty bad, so I think its great that the team allow themselves enough freedom to better the levels. They’ve done an excellent job so far.

  12. *_Im just here for the Ballsack Crab_*

  13. Looks like another purple hat challenge for *so guys we did it*


  15. in half-life, in my opinion, Xen was like a Bland old flesh looking place with skies with a yellow/ blue hue. But this, this looks way cooler in my opinion. The yellow skies and crystals and jungle-like life, it all looks better. It makes it feel what an actual alien civilization is supposed to be like with life with stuff like plants, and a jungle feel. Even though Xen wasn’t actually supposed to be this, It’s Still cool either way.

  16. Can someone give me the music in this trailer?
    It’s absolutely beautiful

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