Bethesda Didn’t Know Fallout Fans Want Fallout In Their Fallout

Classic Bethesda. The long-awaited update to Fallout 76, Wastelanders, is finally making its way to West Virginia on April 7, and designer Ferret Baudoin has things to say about it.

What is said, however, paints Bethesda in a rather dim light, as does most things involving the company. As he discusses the company’s focus on PVP and surprise that players wanted more, he demonstrates just how little Bethesda understands its own audience.

These statements provide a terrific glimpse into the company’s thinking, and explains a LOT about Fallout 76.

#Fallout76 #Fallout #Bethesda #JimSterling #IndustryBS #PVP #Wastelanders #PC #XboxOne #PS4 #RPG #LiveService #OpenWorld #Online #FPS #NPCs


  1. “we gave them ways of murdering each other”, they did not. You get nothing out of killing another player more than the junk they are carrying, and if you kill someone you get a bounty and the player respawn nearby. You are then a target for others to earn caps to kill you and you will also drop both your junk and the other players junk if you picked it up. You will then respawn near the player after you die and the cycle can continue. That is of course until one of you dont pick up your junk in time and the brown bag despawns to make place for a new brown little bag, at which point the only reason to kill the other person is to take out your frustrations on

  2. Bethesda’s next announcement for Doom Eternal: “We have decided to remove all weapons and kill-moves from the game instead to defeat enemies you now have to engage in socratic dialogue with them to convince them of your philosophical opinions.”

  3. This whole thing reminds me of the Dark Zone in Division and currently in 2, as well.

    Ubi: “You’re gonna go rogue and kill each other, right?”
    Players: “Nah, I’m just here to do quests and get loot.”
    U:”Uh… here’s more rewards for killing other players!”
    P: “K. Gonna… go work on my quests now.”
    U: “Look, lootboxes parachute in! Gotta kill other players to get to them first!”
    P: “Huh… the loot is about the same as everything else in here. I don’t know why I’d start killing other players for this.”
    U: “Look, we just want you to break down society and murder each other instead of cooperating.”
    P: “That’s… nice. I’m gonna… go do quests, ok?”

  4. “We have the least PVP audience ever.”
    AH YES, in a game where in order to actually initiate PvP you need to shoot at someone and also be shot by said person, so if one person decides “nah, I don’t wanna fight, I’m just gonna run and never initiate combat” the damage done by the aggressor is nearly nil. Yes, good. “In order to promote PvP, we’ll make it extremely hard to initiate and easy to ignore”

  5. Bethesda: “Nobody knew humans want emotional connection in a story”
    I can already see their surprised Pikachu face.

  6. “Oh no, our players don’t want visceral, chaotic wasteland action with human heart and good storytelling to boot. No, they want a $100 yearly subscription!”
    -Bethesda, moments before it fades away into irrelevancy.

  7. “we didn’t think humans would have empathy” says the multi-million dollar company that thinks every player is a multi-million dollar company

  8. “We intended Fallout 76 to be a PvP oriented game.”
    Wait… What? Did they even play the game at launch? (Of course not, we all know this.) They had so many anti-PvP systems in place that it made it near impossible to do any kind of meaningful or remotely fair PvP.. You had to trick another player into hitting you for 5% – 10% normal damage so you could get the first full 100% damage hit.. That alone prevented most PvP encounters from even happening because you know getting the first hit puts you at a MASSIVE disadvantage! If you were like me and enjoy the stealthy ambusher builds, your build becomes completely irrelevant due to needing to wait for the other guy to hit you first which completely ruins the point of being a stealthy ambusher since you can’t sneak up on anyone and ambush them! It was (and most likely still is) a purely PvE build.. Needless to say, I stopped playing after the first month after release and hadn’t touched it since..

    TL;DR – Bethesda claims it was intended to PvP focused game, but the mechanics clearly show otherwise..

  9. “We made a Role Playing Game!”
    *Players work together and role play*
    Bethesda: *:O*

  10. the game even sets up the theme right at the beginning! You’re supposed to be a vault dweller who is going out to rebuild the world how the f*** do you do that if all they provide is a PVP system???

  11. so you’re telling me that the company that bought the rights to an isometric RPG series and made an FPS out of it doesn’t understand said series?

    what a shocker.

  12. After foreign country sent nuclear to my country…

    Everyone: We must help each other to overcome this!!
    Bethesda: We must kill each other!!

  13. Pack Mentality Media

    “It’s always nice when the game is going be like the game that the game is”


  14. “Does Bethesda understand-”
    Alright I’m gonna stop you riiiight there. No. Bethesda doesn’t understand anything. It doesn’t even understand how to make money, the thing it’s most obsessed about.

  15. 4:40

    That’s Bethesda blatantly lying. Before launch they were trying to convince everybody that F76 was not like other MMO’s and that PvP’ing and attacking others would be penalised. Now they are saying they wanted people to do that?

  16. “Please, we’d like Coop in Skyrim and Fallout”
    – Here’s Fallout76 Pvp!
    “We’d like NPCs”
    – Here’s the Premium subscription
    “Bethesda, here’s how people could cheat, please fix it”
    – You’re banned
    “Wait, what?”

    and on, and on, and on….

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