She does have a cool metal hand, though. Anyway, here’s Wonderwall… I mean, here’s Battlefield V!


  1. i wonder how much Microtransaction this will be

  2. Can’t wait to play this with my internet throttled to get that competitive edge.

  3. I’m not excited. EA is just using Ubisofts “recycle” formula

  4. I was uninterested in this shit the moment I heard it was set in ww2, I miss bad company.

  5. And yet the gameplay will be nothi ng like the trailer

  6. Disappointed by the trailer. I thought I would expect something gritty and overall (think how the BF1 multiplayer reveal trailer felt) oppressive instead of Uncle Sam’s Cartoon Heroes.

  7. I really want a new Bioshock or Resistance game. Bored of these military shooters

  8. Dragonstorm Dipro

    The British guy carries a Katana, Walther P38, and MG42….Brace yourself, there will be Tiger 1 spawning on the allied side.

  9. I can already smell the money

  10. I want 27 out of the 30 minutes of that announcement stream back.

  11. Pedro Montoto García


  12. It’s funny how people is complaining about women in WWII and not about that the country that fuking won the war is not on it. You know, the commie country that actually had women on its army.

  13. From what I understand, none of the trailer was actual gameplay, it was all pre-render with UI layered on one part

  14. Youtube University

    Anyone think there might be some game potential in wars that were not World?

  15. A few years back Call of Duty and Battlefield were their own things, but now they’re nigh identical World War 2 games. Alrighty then.

  16. Anthony Neville

    That girl stole one of them claws puzzle dungeons from Skyrim, attached to her arm now I’m unable to complete that said dungeon.


  17. No pass, no lootboxes.. There’s an itty bitty bit of me that wishes to be excited. Then again, EA. I’m waiting to be told it’s 99 cents to use sprint. There’s always a catch with these guys. Is it Mass Effect? No time, or budget? We’ll get in and see 15% of a game with wonky animations? Sometimes it’s easier to believe Satan will raise up and announce he’s sorry than to think EA will do something that’s consumer friendly.

  18. Battlefield V: Terminator edition

  19. There's a starman waiting in the sky


  20. I feel a tremor through the Force, like thousands of wallets, screaming in fear.

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