Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar Official Teaser Trailer

A first glimpse of Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar. Enter the war’s biggest front with the Russian army in the most extensive Battlefield expansion so far. Full expansion available September 2017.

Performed By: Adam Peters
Label: Position Music


  1. Bf1’s trailers are better than the gameplay no joke

  2. Those feminists are finally getting what they’ve always wanted

  3. To everyone complaining about women in WW1. There was a Russian battalion called the 1st Russian Womens Battalion of Death and this dlc is obviously centered around them. Now this does not mean the other faction are getting women as character models this just means we will see some female soldiers on the Russian side. This is not about feminism ( at least not 100%) this is about an interesting unusual story that happened in WW1. Im fucking tired of people bringing politics into everything, why cant we just enjoy things as they are. So stop bitching about everything you are nearly as bad as the SJW crybabies you hate so much.

  4. To all of you clowns, pick up a history book, the Russian Empire was the most culturally and ethnically diverse empire at the time, so if you see chines,mongols,tatars,turkmen,slavs,finish,the list goes on, dont sook, just enjoy the game

  5. Feminism strikes again.

  6. Yay… feminism has ruined another great series!

  7. Finally battlefield have released the cyka blyat expansion pack

  8. It annoys me that they’re rewriting history just to please some sjws

  9. You will hear thunder and remember $60

  10. End screen
    >appears to be Black
    Dice Really threw the fucking History book into the Incinerator

  11. Can’t wait to fight alongside my black lesbian comrades. Like history right?

  12. “Available this September”
    This game isn’t making it to September.

  13. No blacks in Russian campaign? Pathetic. I am calling to report this racist dlc.

  14. the woman on the end screen isn’t black! she’s clearly white! and yes, there were some women in the Russian army. it wasn’t a terrify significant amount when compared to the rest of the army, but they were there, I suppose.

  15. Finally voice actor for this trailer was truly russian, without accent. Thanks DICE.

  16. 50 percent of comments-Bitching about why there are women in the dlc
    40 percent – In russian
    9 percent – annoyed its coming in September
    1 percent – About the dlc/video

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