Ashe gets 6 kills in lvl 1 invade

Ashe gets 6 kills in lvl 1 invade

Game: League of Legends
Author: seveq

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  1. “Open mid.”

  2. and then ashe still lost her lane

  3. Cristhian Rodriguez Martinez


  4. firt item BF sword

  5. Why would you flash that why?

  6. Show the gold moron

  7. lol wtf

  8. 6/0 to 13/10 really bro?

  9. i want to see what he bought

  10. Of course it’s the Jax top player that teleports back to fight more.

  11. Do Not Read My Profile Picture

    How much gold she get

  12. 1900 gold from kills and items what I bought after: Cutlass, Dagger and 2 hp pots.

  13. Can i post your vid on my fb page ? I will give you credit ^^

  14. People gotta understand that botlane is the worst to get kills like that on early. If you are playing with a random support who sucks you can’t push that huge advantage properly. Especially when you’re an Ashe vs a Blitz.

  15. i was not expecting other skin

  16. i REALLY wish you showed how much gold she had too.

  17. this is why ashe is played in LCS right

  18. Show the gold in the end bro xD

  19. how can you lose the lane after getting 6 kills rofl those players

  20. which game is this

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