Anthem Full Gameplay Demo — E3 Best Action Game Winner

Lead Producer Ben Irving takes us through a 20-minute Anthem gameplay demonstration, originally shown at the E3 hands-on showcase. Discover more about the traversal, combat, and teamwork on display as a team of four Freelancers complete the mission “Scars & Villainy.”

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  1. A Salamander at heart With flamers for days

    Hey there iron men

  2. The flying looks fun.

  3. *”Nice combo”*

  4. it looks really nice and no pvp is always a good bonus for me, but… it also seems rather uninspiring/boring.

  5. RIP Bioware

  6. The composer for Anthem (Ted Reedy) did the “Dark Solas” theme for DAI Trespasser so this game’s score is gonna be truly epic

  7. Dunno why, but the game looks… bland i guess? Doesn’t strike me as anything special or distinguished.

  8. Hello Destiny 2.5

  9. Slowframe…

  10. I wondering how much it’s gonna be downgraded on the release.

  11. They didn’t “find” a “secret” entrance, that was the given direction.

  12. Huh, actually looks good!

  13. Looks cool…
    Looks slow…
    Looks boring…

  14. I’ve never understood the “damage numbers on screen” thing… Just annoying and gets in the way and adds nothing.

    And this game looks like it should be super fun, but some reason… It doesn’t. Looks kinda meh. Maybe because they decided to show the most boring class that there is. Hey, tanks are cool and all, but good god are they boooooring to watch.

  15. Mirza Tahir Rahman

    Warframe does all this for FREE

  16. This game really LOOKS impressive. But also, by the looks of it, it seems to be way too easy… Hopefully it’s just because they were playing in normal difficulty and already had some legendary weapons. It’s just scary that it will become as laughable as Destiny’s 2 difficulty is

  17. destiny reskin lul

  18. ?? a lot of potential love bioware too

    cant wait

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