100 vs. TSM – Week 7 Day 2 | NA LCS Spring Split | 100 Thieves vs. TSM (2018)

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VOD of Counter 100 Thieves vs. TSM
NA LCS Spring Split Week 7 2018 #NALCS

100 Thieves Lineup:
Ssumday – Top Poppy
Meteos – Jungle Sejuani
Ryu – Mid Viktor
Cody Sun – ADC Xayah
aphromoo – Support Rakan

TSM Lineup:
Hauntzer – Top Camille
MikeYeung – Jungle Zac
Bjergsen – Mid Galio
Zven – ADC Ezreal
Mithy – Support Tahm Kench

Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.
You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at http://www.lolesports.com.


  1. Hauntzer got owned by poppy

  2. Can’t have FreeSM without TSM

  3. does anybody know who’s the referee/tech behind 100T ? 😛

  4. TSM=Team Super Mediocre. Every year people say: “this is TSMs year. Look how strong they are. Best western team!” and like every year they’re mediocre first, will probably do well in summer split and then lose in group stage at worlds.

  5. Wait I have one question, why dont they scrim on PBE?

  6. FreeSM FreeSM FreeSM!

  7. Lindwyrm Weisseritter

    Lick in the bush, tho.

  8. ” lick in the bush” i’m dead XD

  9. Nate Von Hartleben

    i wonder if zven is going to pick ezreal next game. The answer is yes. I there really wasn’t a worse time to pick ezreal other than this game, at no point does it really help.

  10. NA vs EU even though it’s NA

  11. Wtf TSM lookslike a baby trying to speak your first word, stuck in time.. slowmotion team. Im brazilian… so, sorry my wrong english. I like TSM, but is so bored watch they playing this split….

  12. FreesSM

  13. ezreal is such a useless adc dunno why he gets picked not seen one do dmg all split

  14. Ezreal is so bad here, also did anyone see the missed true damage q by hauntzer on sejuani instead of viktor? If he hit that they probably won the fight and probably even the game.

  15. Trash EU support lol

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