[1/23 PBE] Cho’Gath VFX Update Preview

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(filmed on 1/23 PBE build)

As mentioned in a recent quick gameplay thoughts by Meddler, Cho’Gath has VFX updates on the PBE!

Here’s a quick and dirty video showing off Cho’Gath’s updated BASE VFX.

Be aware PBE content is tentative and subject to change.

For more info see 1/23 pbe update – http://www.surrenderat20.net/2018/01/123-pbe-update.html


  1. Did Pre-historic Cho’Gath got different vfx?

  2. So how looks now gentleman cho?

  3. tha ultimate need one more epic animation

  4. Is his q bigger or am I imagining things?

  5. Chogath itself needs a visual rework

  6. Typervader's Domain

    Hes still ugly though

  7. Great, I just wish the R would keep the bloody mess. Was super satisfying.

    Appreciate the E actually looking like something of a magical nature

  8. Wow, im more excited by this than swain update

  9. spikes look really bad and the ultimate is now very underwhelming

  10. ult needs to be more gory ..

  11. Hope they would do more VFX like this to update the game up… ( Orianna, Ahri, Blitzcrank, Teemo, Lux, JarvIV, ,…) – some like Malph and Mundo would be obvious needed but they likely gonna be having Visual Update

  12. evelynns pet?

  13. lol, riot is literally Reworking Chogath little by little.

    first, the Splash art.
    then the Texture Color.
    now the VFX.
    now we need the model itself and animations lol

  14. Cool , but did they fix the hitbox?

  15. what about the ult kill indicator?

  16. Rework model, rework VFX, rework rework.
    But no Gameplay Rework or complete visual Rework.

    Cho’gath, Nunu, Amumu, Malphite, Blitzcrank, poor forgotten champions. And I’m sure I’m forgetting some bigger one

  17. When Riot does half the job xddd

  18. finally,the old vfx were painful to watch.his e is barefly visible

  19. Hehiihehiehieihehiehieihehi

    where is blood

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